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CNFC 9522 Fishing Vessel, IMO 8936970

Last Updated: 4 May 2024.

This ship info includes data on what the dimensions are and general vessel particulars, last and next special class survey, who is the owner of the ship CNFC 9522, its Commercial Manager, ISM Manager, P&I Club, Classification Society, their addresses and contact details and Shipyard where it was built as well as statistics for the number of owned and managed ships and companies related thereto.

Name CNFC 9522
Former names

(up to year)

Hid Naturg (2018)
Ship type, detailed Fishing Vessel
Ship type, AIS Fishing
Service Status Active, Commissioned
Flag China
Home Port -
IMO 8936970
Call Sign BBJL
Built 1995
Age 29 years
Gross Tonnage 313
Summer DWT 130
Length 43 m / 141 ft
Beam 8 m / 26 ft
Registered Shipowner
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ISM Manager -
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Ship Class Status -
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Class Renewal Survey (Next) -
Full Specifications

(may require registration)

Conversion factors Gross Tonnage (GT) vs
Deadweight (DWT)
1 GT

(this ship)

2.408 DWT
1 GT

(ship type average) *

DWT (avg/min/max)

(this ship)

t/m3 lb/ft3

(ship type average) *

t/m3 lb/ft3 (avg/min/max)
Full regression
90 ship types
view analysis
* based on 7900 ships of type Fishing Vessel presently in active service or under construction built from 1884 to 2027 having DWT from 1 to 9138 and GT from 100 to 16050 and length from 2 to 480 mtrs. Weekly updated.
Flag Name Built IMO MMSI Length Beam more
CNFC 9525
Fishing Vessel
1996 8936968 1
43 m
141 ft
8 m
26 ft
Map / Info
CNFC 9524
Fishing Vessel
1996 8936956 412330600
43 m
141 ft
8 m
26 ft
Map / Info
CNFC 9523
Fishing Vessel
1995 8936944 1
43 m
141 ft
8 m
26 ft
Map / Info
CNFC 9518
Fishing Vessel
1995 8896716 1
43 m
141 ft
8 m
26 ft
Map / Info
CNFC 9521
Fishing Vessel
1994 8896742 1
43 m
141 ft
8 m
26 ft
Map / Info
CNFC 9520
Fishing Vessel
1994 8896730 1
43 m
141 ft
8 m
26 ft
Map / Info
CNFC 9519
Fishing Vessel
1994 8896728 1
43 m
141 ft
8 m
26 ft
Map / Info
CNFC 9304
Fishing Vessel
1993 8881125 1
43 m
141 ft
8 m
26 ft
Map / Info
CNFC 9303
Fishing Vessel
1993 8881113 1
43 m
141 ft
8 m
26 ft
Map / Info
CNFC 9302
Fishing Vessel
1993 8881101 1
43 m
141 ft
8 m
26 ft
Map / Info
CNFC 9301
Fishing Vessel
1993 8881096 1
43 m
141 ft
8 m
26 ft
Map / Info
CNFC 9506
Fishing Vessel
1995 8896613 1
44 m | + 1 m
144 ft | + 3 ft
8 m
26 ft
Map / Info
CNFC 9505
Fishing Vessel
1995 8896601 1
44 m | + 1 m
144 ft | + 3 ft
8 m
26 ft
Map / Info
CNFC 9504
Fishing Vessel
1995 8936932 1
44 m | + 1 m
144 ft | + 3 ft
8 m
26 ft
Map / Info
CNFC 9503
Fishing Vessel
1995 8936920 1
44 m | + 1 m
144 ft | + 3 ft
8 m
26 ft
Map / Info
CNFC 9501
Fishing Vessel
1995 8896596 1
44 m | + 1 m
144 ft | + 3 ft
8 m
26 ft
Map / Info
CNFC 9305
Fishing Vessel
1993 8881137 1
44 m | + 1 m
144 ft | + 3 ft
8 m
26 ft
Map / Info
CNFC 9307
Fishing Vessel
1993 8881151 1
44 m | + 1 m
144 ft | + 3 ft
8 m
26 ft
Map / Info
CNFC 9308
Fishing Vessel
1993 8881163 1
44 m | + 1 m
144 ft | + 3 ft
8 m
26 ft
Map / Info
CNFC 9306
Fishing Vessel
1993 8881149 701000800
44 m | + 1 m
144 ft | + 3 ft
9 m | + 1 m
30 ft | + 3 ft
Map / Info


CNFC 9522 current position is received by AIS. Ship info reports, fleet analysis, company analyses, address analyses, technical specifications, tonnages, management details, addresses, classification society data and all other relevant statistics are derived from Marine Vessel Traffic database. The data is for informational purposes only and Marine Vessel Traffic is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness and reliability of data reported above herein.